My good friend Mango the Maltese Kiddo has made this beautiful picture to celebrate in style - thank you Mango, you are an angel !

Here comes Ollie
And what better way to celebrate than to introduce to you a brand new blogger; you have seen him before, but this is the very first time that he has his own spot in my blog (or should I say our blog...). So while I go out with the girls (more on that later), I hand you over to the one and only, the wonderful Papillon Puppy, Ollie !
Thank you Bella, I'm most honoured; I may be a little puppy but I have lots to say, you know !
I'd like to be able to fly like a butterfly so Mum got me these wings; they look nice, but I didn't quite manage to get off the ground !

A girl's afternoon out
Thank you Ollie, I'm proud of you.
While Ollie was blogging, I had a girl's afternoon out at the park with my friends Maggie and Rosie - look at our matching outfits !
Hat Parade news
Mango and Maggie received their prizes for the hat parade and I'm really happy to see how much they've enjoyed them.

I got a beautiful card from Maggie Mae, and George got my card in the mail :

News Flash
We took Ollie to the vet clinic yesterday as he was coughing and sneezing; the vet said he had a bronchitis, which is very rare in dogs so he is on antibiotics. Today he is already better so we are very grateful.
Have a great week-end and take care, we love you all !