A to Z Guide to Happiness

Two cute dogs, Bella the Westie and Ollie the Papillon, show you how to be happy and bring happiness wherever you are, by following their paw steps with their friends and family.
You will see them having fun, relaxing, following their dreams and giving all their love. They will give you tips on finding and spreading happiness and inspirational quotations.

Read Pascal Inard's full bibliography here with list of all published and forthcoming work.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Playing with my Nannie's toys !

"Nannie" is my Dad's Mum; she's very kind and loves dogs (remember when I introduced my aunt Belle ?).
When I went to see her I noticed she had some nice toys and I asked if I could borrow them; she told me how much fun she had with them when she was a little girl, and whenever she plays with them now she remembers all the happiness of her childhood. They're very precious to her, but she said that she'd be happy to lend them to me. There's a lovely doll and a little pram, but I think it's a bit crowded for the two of us.

This is better !

Now will someone please push me !

Chichi and Huahua don't take all the space, so I'll take them with me !

This pram is so comfortable, I feel like sleeping...

Thank you so much Nannie, I've had so much fun with your toys.

Discover treasures from the past and share their story with those that cherish them, it's like travelling to another place !


Anonymous said...

Did anybuddy ever push you, Bella?

Those look like fun toys but I bet your Nannie wouldn't want me playing with them cuz, well, I think you know about my little...er...dissection problem and all.

I sure do likes coming over to your place cuz you always, always make me smile real big!

Wiggles & Wags,

Deborah said...

That was so cute! We'll come over to play! LOL
Have fun!

Martha said...

We will come and push you Bella, just as soon as this volcanic ash clears we will get a flight!
You look super cute!
Martha and Bailey xxx

the booker man said...

miss bella,
how cool that you got to play with your nannie's toys!! i know my grammy wouldn't trust me with her toys cuz i might do a little exploratory nibbling. heehee.
i really like the first picture of you holding the dolly. your plaid hair bow is super cute. :)
the booker man

Remington said...

Your pics are the BEST!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What great toys!! I really like Chichi and Huahua!!


Peggy y Mhathy said...

Hi Bella, Mom said that these pics made her remember her childhood because she used to play with a doll like this. Thanks for the nice memories. I send you my pic for the pajama party, may be too late... Next time I'll be on time. Bechitos Peggy


Hi Bella,

Darling pictures!!! Please ask your mommy if her doll is a Madame Alexander Doll. It looks almost exactly like our mommy's baby doll from when she was little. She has it sitting on her dresser and it's her favorite possession ever! Except for us of couse!

houndstooth said...

Those pictures are just adorable! Does your nannie have a bigger pram, by chance? Say, one that would hold a greyhound?


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bella!
Your Nanny was very nice letting you play with her doll!
And the pram is pawesome too!
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

Bella, your book arrived today - it is lovely! Thank you so much it was a lovely surprise and we loved the little clip on kuala.
We will post about it soon if we manage to get some pics - neither of us is as obliging as your!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Duke said...

You look just adorable in your pram, Bella! Did you see our friend, Sunshade in her new stroller? She's not all dressed up like you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sunshade said...

Hi Bella,

Nice to meet you!! You and your stroller are soooo cute, like a little gurrrrrrl's fairy tale dream. I love my SuperSTROLLER too!

Thank you for visiting my bloggie and the "get your hearing back" wishes, I think they're working... a little!!

You're such a cutie pie, and you have a cooool book too!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

ocmist said...

Grammy was fascinated by that pram and dolly, and we thought that you looked really cute in it! Your Nannie is really nice to share her toys! The Country Corgis

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