A to Z Guide to Happiness

Two cute dogs, Bella the Westie and Ollie the Papillon, show you how to be happy and bring happiness wherever you are, by following their paw steps with their friends and family.
You will see them having fun, relaxing, following their dreams and giving all their love. They will give you tips on finding and spreading happiness and inspirational quotations.

Read Pascal Inard's full bibliography here with list of all published and forthcoming work.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is your favorite place for sleeping ?

I love sleeping and finding new places to sleep, here are my latest ones :

This is what you might call a "dogwich" : take two dogs, put a comfy cushion in the middle and then enjoy !

This one is very much in season :

This one is my favorite, it's a box where my Mum puts her fabrics - it means she can't do any sewing when I'm sleeping though...

And what about you my friends, what is your favorite place for sleeping ?

Happiness is the art of relaxation
Maxwell Maltz
The future belongs to whose who believe in the beauty of their dreams
Eleanor Roosevelt

Best wishes for the holiday season


The Daily Pip said...

BOL, a dogwich! My favorite place to sleep is at the foot of my parent's bed. I also like the couch and my sock monkey bed.

Your pal, Pip

Patrice said...

Absolutely anywhere! I love to sleep and don't get enough lately.

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Mom says my favorite place to sleep is any room dat her is in cuz I always want to be wif hers. :)

Happy Wednesday to you and Ollie!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hi Bella!
You act like a cat! I never knew doggies went into funny sleeping places! I love your doggie sandwich!
I like to sleep in my little brown teepee kitty house...my Sheltie brother Dakota likes to sleep by the front door..he spends his life waiting for the Chihuahua across the hall to come out so that he can go nuts at our door and everyone thinks we have an insane dog MOL
Love, Cody

Diana Chiew said...

We are like Maggie Mae, we sleep where Aunty Diana is.

- Christmas and the girls

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Our favorite place to sleep is with our Moms and Dad!! We just love to snuggle with them!!

Beautiful Christmas photo!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

What neat places you sleep, Bella! I don't have any places like that...besides at 100lbs I probably wouldn't fit in the sewing box. It just happens in my own entry today I have a picture of my favorite winter sleep spot.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thanks for giving us some good ideas. We love sleeping in the sun, on any pillow or in our beds
Benny & Lily

Stellaluna said...

I like to sleep at the sofa at night, during the day I sleep in the chairs where the humans eat and keep them warm!

Oskar said...

Anyplace soft & cushiony close to my people.

Nubbin wiggles,

Duke said...

We're very boring. Our favorite place to sleep is in our plush cushy beds!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

ocmist said...

We LOVE sleeping, and thought this post was very cute. It gave us a few more ideas, too!
BG: I sleep in Papa's big recliner chair to keep it warm for him when he is at work and in his lap in that chair when he is home until we go to bed and then I sleep between him and Grammy's shoulders.
Pippin: I will sleep by BG sometimes, but my favorite place is in Papa's lap as soon as he gets home... I'm just countin' time until that happens. At night I sleep between Grammy and Papa's head.

OC: I sleep as close to Grammy's feet as I can get. She has a big sleeping bag by her desk so I have a warm place. At night, I sleep between her and Papa's hips and legs.

Gimli: During the day, I sleep in Mama Dott's recliner on Grammy's right side or beside OC by Grammy's left side (while she is on the computer), and at night, I sleep across the foot of the bed by Grammy's feet.

Dott: I have my own recliner in the living room, but when it's cold, I sleep in the Cal King, warmed, waterbed of Grammy and Papa during the day, and snuggled up to my Daddy (Robert) at night when he turns on the heater in our room.
Mercy: I usually sleep on the couch or one of the doggy beds in the living room during the day and in my own bed in GrandPaw's (Robert)room at night.

houndstooth said...

My personal favorite place to sleep is on the couch by Mom, or beside her in bed. You look as adorable as always!


Wyatt said...

Bella, you are petite so you fit in all those cozy places. I like to sleep on Mom and Dad's bed!


I like you Christmas outfits!

Terrorzinhos said...

You are soooo cute!

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