A to Z Guide to Happiness

Two cute dogs, Bella the Westie and Ollie the Papillon, show you how to be happy and bring happiness wherever you are, by following their paw steps with their friends and family.
You will see them having fun, relaxing, following their dreams and giving all their love. They will give you tips on finding and spreading happiness and inspirational quotations.

Read Pascal Inard's full bibliography here with list of all published and forthcoming work.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I want to share something with you !

Mum and Dad shared something with me that I want to share with you.
When Mum was 12 she wrote a book with lovely drawings, photos, poems that she wrote and poems she loved about life and love,
Now let me put my glasses to have a look :

Here is one of her poems (translated from French)

I would like my life to be nothing but light, my path to be nothing but freedom.
I would like my heart to open like a spring rose.
I would like my hands to be full of softness and love.
I would like my words to be poems and songs.
I would my shouts to be of joy.
I would like to walk on a ground twinkling like golden sand, avoiding rocky paths that go against my destiny.
I would like my life to be infinite happiness and eternal love.

That's beautiful Mum, I think it's your turn to publish your book !

When my Dad was 14, he edited his own little newspaper, it was called 'The liberated dog' and there's 2 reasons for that : the first is that the local paper where he was born was called "The liberated Dauphine" (Dauphine being the name of the region where he was born), the second is that he loved dogs.
Now let me change my glasses to look at this :

And by the way, Dad thanks the American, Australian, British and Canadian people who contributed to liberating his country during the 2 world wars.

Here's an extract (translated from the French) :

This paper is made to liberate you, poor doggies treated unfairly :
If your master forces you to eat disgusting canned food, go on a hunger strike. Your master will do everything to make you eat and then you will have steaks and roasts every day !
If your master does not show his affection, hide where he won't be able to find you; your master will think you've disappeared, look everywhere for you and  put an ad in the paper. Then, when you come out of hiding, he will be so happy that he will cuddle you and spoil you all the time !
That's very cheeky Dad ! Well I'm happy to say this advice does not apply to me and I hope it's the same for all of you...

Dad tells me he also wrote in the student newspaper he was at university - every week he wrote a 'Silly Page' inspired by the humour of Monty Python.

I think that if blogging had existed in the 70s and 80s, Mum and Dad would surely have had their own blogs, but I let them contribute to my blog to make them happy (actually I dictate to them what to write because they can type much faster than me).

I have received some lovely photos from my friends to share with you :
This one is from Lorenza in Mexico : it shows the flowers and plants she sees everyday on her walkies and it  includes those very small chiles that are very common there!

This one is from Mercy in Corgi Country, South Central California, showing beautiful lilacs blooming in the front yard :

This one is an Azalea bloom from  Maggie May, in New York State. (and thank you so much for the beautiful award you shared with me, I'm very honoured)


And I heped Dad take this one :

Please join us in praying for Diana, Jazzi's Mum who is ill and who should be undergoing surgery on Tuesday, we pray it all goes well and she recovers quickly.

I think praying is a beautiful way of sharing our love and God's love too. There is a beautiful prayer blog for animals, have you seen it ?

Sharing is what what makes love and friendship grow. When you share your happiness, you double it, when you share your sadness you halve it.


How Sam Sees It said...

Very nice! Thank you for sharing! We will say a prayer for Diana too.


Oskar said...

We will add Diana to our prayers.

little princess Luna~ said...

hello bella--thank you for sharing those poems~!
and hey~! i think we might be sporting the same kind of glasses: http://littleprincessluna.blogspot.com/2010/05/la-mode-est-la-vie.html



Lorenza said...

Hi, Bella!
Your mom and dad are sooooo talented!
Thanks for sharing!
We don't have a big variety of flowers here... well at least around my neighborhood!
The ones that our friends sent to you are beautiful and the last one that your Dad pictured is so special too!
Kisses and hugs

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Bella ... you and your parents are true wonders ... I predict a new teddy bear in your future.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

All the flowers are beautiful Bella, thanks for sharing them with us. Mom and me will be praying for Diana.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

houndstooth said...

Your mom and dad were both born to write! It's nice of you to humor them and let them write on your blog.

Phooey! I finally had some pictures for you and I'm too late!


the booker man said...

miss bella,
you are just a whole family of talented writers! thanks for sharing some of your mama and daddy's writing from when they were younger.
i looove all the pretty flower pictures, too!
i also just heard about miss diana, and me 'n asa 'n my mama are praying for her.
the booker man

♥I am Holly♥ said...

That is so very beautiful Bella! We love you in your glasses and the writings of your mum and dad are so nice. We will say a prayer for your friend Diana. We hope her surgery goes well and she will be fine. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

ocmist said...

You and your Mom and Dad are just so blessed to be such great writers. Grammy just loved your Mom's poem. Our blog was just recently found by a person who lives in Japan, has two corgis, and writes in French. We have put a Translator on our blog and use Google translator to help us comment on her blog since she has put a Translator on her blog so we can follow it. Here is her blog if you are interested and your Mom reads French. http://corgiflore.blogspot.com/

The flowers came out beautifully, too! Thanks for sharing ours! The Country Corgis

Martha said...

Hi Bella, we liked your mum's poem very much and will certainly think about refusing food so we get roasts from now on!
These are beautiful flowers from different parts of the world.
Have a lovely Sunday
Martha and Bailey xxx

PPRene said...

Bonjour Bella! merci de ta gentille visite, sur le blog de Notre petite setter irlandais Cannelle, Nous te felicitons pour blog tonnes, adressons et «Plein de bisous
Avec des leches de Cannelle

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a beautiful post Bella!! Thank you so much for sharing all the beautiful flowers!! We are keeping Diana in our prayers for sure!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Dandy Duke said...

Your mom and dad are very talented writers, Bella and the flower pictures are just beautiful! We love the picture of you in your wire rims!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Bella! Your Mom and Dad are very cool writers... I loved the flower pictures too! I hope we all will keep our friends furry and not in our prayers.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Flo de Sendai said...

Coucou !
Mais.....vous etes donc francais ?!
Alors la, quelle surprise !!!
Je suis deja venue sur ce joli blog et il me semblait bien avoir deja laisse un com...
Bella est trop mignonne, je suis vraiment contente de vous connaitre !
Bisous de Flo, et lechouilles de Nana et Uyanga, le tout du Japon !

the teacher's pets said...

Hello there!
I found your blog after visiting Jazzi's blog for an update on Diana and I noticed your comment so I had to click on your name to find out more about you! I love Westie's and you are just as cute as can be!
How nice of you to share your parents writing skills to your readers! I think your parents need to publish a book about you, of course!
I am your newest follower and I would love it if you'd visit my blog sometime!

Unknown said...

hello, we are your newest furiends.bella, you look very beautiful in your lovely dresses. we especially like your 'intelligent look' in those pics with glasses on,reading Daddy's newspaper.
Congratulations on getting your picture printed in the newspaper.
wags, Buddy n Ginger

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Bella,
My name is Mango, a Maltese pup.
I found your blog in The Teacher's Pets's blog, I love your personality: sleeping, eating, playing, walking, bringing laughter, joy and happiness to efurybody. I think I have the same mission as well.
Your pawrents are pawsome! You wear glasses cuter than I do.
Would you like to be my friend Bella, I love to share happiness but I won't bother you with my sadness.

If you've enjoyed reading this article, you will love our book "A to Z Guide to Happiness - A gift from dogs to their owners (and everyone else).

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