A to Z Guide to Happiness

Two cute dogs, Bella the Westie and Ollie the Papillon, show you how to be happy and bring happiness wherever you are, by following their paw steps with their friends and family.
You will see them having fun, relaxing, following their dreams and giving all their love. They will give you tips on finding and spreading happiness and inspirational quotations.

Read Pascal Inard's full bibliography here with list of all published and forthcoming work.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Loving is sharing...

My family love me so much that they share their food with me (note from Dad : only if it's healthy !). I have to be careful, because sometimes I get carried away - I'm not supposed to eat the yoghut pot or Dad's finger !
(Note from Mum : don't worry, Bella only ate the apple, not Dad's finger !

Did You Know ?

Velcro was invented thanks to a dog ! The idea came to a Swiss engineer, George de Mestral one day after returning from a hunting trip with his dog in the Alps. He took a close look at the burrs (seeds) of burdock that kept sticking to his dog's fur. He examined them under a microscope, and noted their hundreds of "hooks" that caught on anything with a loop, such as clothing, animal fur, or hair. He saw the possibility of binding two materials reversibly  and went on to invent Velcro.(source : Wikipedia)
Mum wishes burrs were as easy to remove as Velcro when I go in the bushes !

My cousin Snoopy has a little sister, isn't she cute ? Welcome to my new cousin, Cookie !

Thank you for your great photos for the hat parade, keep them coming, it is going to be a huge success, I'm really looking forward to it !

Have a great weekend !

"Sharing what you have is more important than what you have." Albert M. wells


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! GREAT to be LOVE. Lots of Golden Thanks about VELCRO ... did not know that. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Miss Bella,

Such nice pictures of you with your mom and dad. Great info on Velcro too, the things you learn reading blogs!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Mom is still trying to get a picture of me with a hat on, but I guess I am not being too cooperative. :)

Bruschi said...

Oh you are lucky! They must really love you Bella to share their tasty treats!!

And Welcome to Cookie! What a cutie!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

houndstooth said...

Cookie sure is cute!

I love cleaning out the yogurt pots! That's my job every morning!

I have to remember to get some hat pictures!


Anonymous said...

Aww, that's so nice of your family to share. They all have such Most Excellent manners! And that was oh-so-interesting abouts velcro. Me and my mom didn't know that!

Wiggles & Wags,

Duke said...

What a cutie Cookie is, Bella!
We love yogurt too and dad always gives Mitch his container when he's all finished so he can lick it clean!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

little princess Luna~ said...

hello balla bellisima~!

i furry much enjoyed your post and mmmmm--i love yogurt (especially from pinkberry!!)~!!

yay for your hat post--i can't wait to see all the pawsome pictures you will put up~! :)


Remington said...

Sharing is the best! I always have trouble getting the yogurt out of there. Thanks for the info. Have a fun filled weekend, my friend.

bichonpawz said...

We love sharing yogurt too!!! Your posts are always the BEST and we just LOVE all your pictures...especially with your mom and dad!!! Really looking forward to the HAT Party!!! Happy Weekend Bella!!! xoxoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bella!
Yogurt and apples! Delicious!
Very interesting to know about the origin of Velcro!
Cookie is adorable!
Kisses and hugs

Teddy Bear said...

Sharing is caring.:) We love yogurt too.:) Cookie sure is a cutie.

Teddy Bear

George The Lad said...

Hi Bella just popped over from Maggie and Mitch, they told me about your hat parade I'm sorry but I don't do hats at the moment, but you must be a super star with all the outfits you have, pleased to meet you mam, I'm more your ruff and ready sort, Oh by the way me mom calls my fur velcro I'm always getting things stuck in it, must get her to read the post.
See Yea George xxx

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We always feel so happy when we visit your bloggie Bella...thanks!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

Martha said...

Cookie is adorable, just like you! Lovely pics as ever. We are happy to share and like licking out yogurt pots.
Maggie and Mitch were telling us about your hat post - we will go off and have a look but we will never be like you Bella!
We hate clothes, hats, scarfs, bandanas ...... in fact Martha even hates her collar and scratches and scratches. We usually take them off when we come inside!
The natural bassets xxxx

Martha said...

We keep getting stuck at your word verification Bella - we were here earlier and have had problems again although it has just posted!
We hate word verification!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We just like sharing ANY kind of food with MOMS!!

Cookie is a little cutie pie!!

Happy weekend!

Woofs and Kisses
The Fiesty Three

booker said...

heehee, miss bella! i can tell that you really really like yogurt and apples. guess what? those are some of my most fave noms, too!! :)
welcome to your new cousin, miss cookie! she is very cute. i hope snoopy will enjoy being a big brother!
oh, and it was super cool to find out how that velcro stuff came about. thanks for sharing the informational!
the booker man

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hi new friends...you guys sure are cute. A hat contest we hear?
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Hi Bella,You look OH! SO LOVELY as usual!those pictures of your mom and dad were pawsome too. Cookie looks like a real vanilla and chocolate cookie. what an adorable dahling she is.
mummy wants us to be a part of your hat parade but none of us likes to wear them much and wouldn't hold still for her to photograph us!!But she is hoping she might be able to some time soon!!!we shall see....**wink**
Bud n Gin

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Bella, you are just so cute!!! Your cousins are adorable also!!! Thanks for the history of velcro! We had no idea but mom sure loves it! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

ocmist said...

Yummy... Grammy shares her apple a day with us, and her yogurt to! I wonder if the velcro burr that he studied was one of the "Horehound" burrs off the bushes like we have around here?! They are REALLY NASTY and sound just like what you described! The Country Corgis

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