"This special issue seeks to raise awareness of responsible dog ownership and support the dedicated work of organisations re-homing lost and abandoned dogs.
Australia has one of the highest levels of dog ownership worldwide, with an estimated 40 per cent of Australian households having at least one dog. This means that there are around 4 million dogs nationwide. But while Australia enjoys a high level of dog ownership, a high number of dogs are admitted into shelters. During 2008-09, the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) alone recorded 69,383 admissions into its shelters across the country.
Each of the dogs featured in this stamp issue has been given a second chance. All five have spent time in a shelter before being adopted into adoring new families."
Well done Australia Post for telling everyone how wonderful it is to adopt a homeless doggy !
I've put on my nurse's uniform because tomorrow my Mum is having an operation for her varicose veins; she'll only be there for the day, but I figured the humans at the hospital may need my help because I'm the one who knows best how to look after her :

In our next post, we'll announce the winner of our book contest, tell you all about the book and who's in it, and how to get it - how exciting !

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.
Sydney Smith