A to Z Guide to Happiness

Two cute dogs, Bella the Westie and Ollie the Papillon, show you how to be happy and bring happiness wherever you are, by following their paw steps with their friends and family.
You will see them having fun, relaxing, following their dreams and giving all their love. They will give you tips on finding and spreading happiness and inspirational quotations.

Read Pascal Inard's full bibliography here with list of all published and forthcoming work.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happiness is a true friend

Since we started our blog, we've made lots of friends from around the world, and we are very grateful for this. Closer to home, we've found a very special friend, Linda; she's Cinnabar's Mum and she is very kind, she is part of our family now, we call her Aunty Linda.
It's only one hour's drive to her house but Dad got lost and it took us 2 hours  (the day after, Amelie bought Dad a new street directory !). I was a bit sad that Cinnabar wasn't there because she's not completely healed (her platelets are up but she is still very tired) so she was resting at her grandparents' place; but then again I had Linda all for myself which was great !

What's that Aunty Linda, a treat just for me ?
I buried this yummy treat under the carpet so I could savour it later.

Thank you Aunty Linda, this is yummy !
I feel right at home at Aunty Linda's place; when can we come back ?

Lovely portrait of Cinnabar made by a friend of Linda

On Sunday we celebrated 2 birthdays : Matthew (turns 12 on 9 November) and Amelie (turns 21 on 11 November - she's the one holding me) :

Let me blow the candles !

To our friends in the Melbourne area : Mum and Dad will be signing my book at Dymock's book shop, Southland shopping centre, Cheltenham on sunday November 14 between 12 PM and 2 PM. Unfortunately dogs are not allowed so I won't be there, It's totally not fair !!!!

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart
Eleanor Roosevelt


Unknown said...

Beautiful Bella! Your photos and smiles always bring happiness to us too!!!

houndstooth said...

Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew!

I would love to meet some of my blog friends in real life! You are so lucky!


Minnie Moo said...

Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew!

That yummy treat looks pretty good :)


Minnie Moo

Unknown said...

What a fun weekend! Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew!

Loved you helping with the cake......were you singing or helping with da candles?


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Bella. How FUN!!! Birthday greetings to Amelie and Matthew. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Sage said...

Wow--a birthday party!! Happy birthday to Amelie and Matthew.


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew!! The pawty looks like so much fun! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew!!! Did you and Ollie save me some cake? ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Duke said...

You are just too adorable in your hat, Bella!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Piappies World said...

Hello there Bella!

We really love your banner header! Barkday pawties are always attached to treats and pretty outfits! We love your photos and we greet Amelie and Matthew Happy Barkday!!!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Anonymous said...

How Most Wonderful that you got to spend time with Miss Linda! I can tell it was a super terrific visit!

And happy, happy birthday to Matthew and Amelie. They look like the nicest siblings you could ever have!

Wiggles & Wags,

Oskar said...

Happy birthday to your human pups & I'm so glad to hear that you got to go on such a fun visit. I hope you get to see Cinnabar next time.

Nubbin wiggles,

Anonymous said...

Always beautiful photos Bella!

Happy Bday to your hoomans!

The store is WRONG! YOUR the STAR of the book!

woo woos, Tessa

Two French Bulldogs said...

what a book signing, how fun is that! Good luck and have fun
Benny & Lily

the booker man said...

miss bella!
happy happy birthdays to matthew and miss amelie!!! i think it's neato that our birthdays are all so close together. :)
thank you bunches 'n tons for the happy birthday wishes!

the booker man

the booker man said...

pee s -- how are you not allowed at your very own book signing?! BOO! :(

Asta said...

Dawling Bella
Twoo fwiends awe Pwiceless..I'm so glad you have many and some so close..I will cwoss my paws fow Cinnabaw(that pawtwait is bootiful, and I'm an expawt cause my Mommi is a paintew and I help hew lots)

Congwaatulations on the book signing and Happy Biwfday to the cutie hoomans
smoochie kisses

bichonpawz said...

Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew! Sounds like a fun weekend!!! That is totally NOT fair that you can't go to the signing of YOUR book!! Hope your friend is better soon...xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

So glad that you had a good visit with your Auntie!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Remington said...

Great post! Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great day for all!

Anonymous said...

Bella is precious! Happy Birthday to Amelie and Matthew too:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday you two! this blog is so lovely. Get the video camera and write some stories. Saturday morning TV for children is in order. My husband celebrated his HBDay Nov. 9th, too.

Stop by for a visit soon and please visit BlogCatalog again soon. Write a few CONNECT Discussions about Bella and friends, and you will get more people visiting. Cheers!

Deborah said...

Happy First Bloganniversary! You are extremely cute!!!

ocmist said...

It's always nice to visit with friends. Glad you had a good time, and that's a nice picture of your friend, Cinnabar. Hope your people had great B Days, too! The CCC

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