Mum and Dad will be at a craft market on Saturday morning in the Cheltenham Presbyterian church hall (8 Park Road, Cheltenham) to sell my book, but also to sell some of my Mum's beautiful craft creations. She has been working all week to make some beautiful things; my favourite are the wreaths, here is a sample, but they are all diferent :
We are participating in the Holiday Giveaway Hop for Pets and are giving away a copy of our bok "Paw Steps to Happiness"; click here to enter our giveaway but also to see how you can enter all the other giveaways - there are more than 50 !

Thank you to Two Little cavaliers, Life With Dogs, and Dog Tipper for organising this awesome giveway event.
Be glad for your talents, whatever they may be' They make you absolutely unique and they were given so you could make your own special contribution to this earth.
Jon Peyton
Take care my friends and have a great week-end !
Both dresses are lovely, but the blue one is extra stunning on you, Bella!
Oh Bella!! Both dressy dresses are soooo prettys!! 'da Josie loves the blue against yous pretty furs!!
Yous Momma's wreaths are prettys too!!
Hugs and kisses,
Josie Posie
I vote for the blue one, it really brings out your eyes and you look very pretty!!
I love both of the dresses but I prefer the blue one as it goes very well with you.
Your mom is so creative! How I wish I could make something like what she does!
Bella I have to say the blue one it makes your white fur stand out, your mom is very talented, lovely wreath
See Yea George xxx
Bella, 2 more new additions to your wardrobe! I'm so envious of you!
I think both of your dresses are very beautiful! I think I like the blue one bestest though.
Gosh, I don't know how to decide! You beautiful in both! I think I like the white one best.
Your pal, Pip
Both dresses are beautiful, but I think the blue one accentuates your fur!
Lovely wreath! I hope you make a fortune on your book. I prefer the blue dress.
Hi Bella! I love both dresses...but then I'ma fella! I do agree, the blue is the better color of the two with your beautiful hair. :)
Hawk aka BrownDog
We prefer the blue.
We must say your mum is so creative. The wreath is beautiful and we are sure they are going to sell well.
Both dresses are beautiful but our favorite one on you is the blue one! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Oh, they both look Most Beautiful on you, Bella! But I think I likes the blue the best. It shows off your furs just pawfectly.
I hope your pawrents have a fun time at the craft fair and sell lots of books and pretty things.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh my goodness - you look lovely in both dresses but the blue one really brings out the color or your beautiful white furs, Bella!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I prefer the blue dress, but the whiteish one looks like it could be a wedding dress.
The wreath is beautiful.
Nubbin wiggles,
Bella, you look so pretty!
I can't choose just one!
Both of them are beautiful... and you look gorgeous!
Kisses and hugs
I'll join in the chorus and vote for the blue. It accentuates your glorious white coat!
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more
Both dresses are so beautiful, but we think we prefer the blue one!
That beautiful things for Christmas!
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I LOVE coming here! Oh boy... how to decide? I love both of the dresses but I think the blue brings out your eyes and makes your fur sparkle like snow. I got a tear in my eye over the beautiful quote by Jon Peyton. I will save that one.
I like the blue one, is beautiful, but you look gorgeous in both of them. Hope your mother had made good business selling all her creations. The wreath it's cute, we like it. Chikisses... Peggy and Mhathy
OOh, what gorgeous dresses, Bella! I can't decide which one I like better - they are both so pretty! Although I do love that shade of blue!
Honey the Great Dane
That is a hard decision, but we think we prefer the blue one.
miss bella,
well, i think you look super pretty in both dresses, but like most everybuddy else woofed, the blue one just totally brings out your furs 'n stuff!! :)
the booker man
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