A to Z Guide to Happiness

Two cute dogs, Bella the Westie and Ollie the Papillon, show you how to be happy and bring happiness wherever you are, by following their paw steps with their friends and family.
You will see them having fun, relaxing, following their dreams and giving all their love. They will give you tips on finding and spreading happiness and inspirational quotations.

Read Pascal Inard's full bibliography here with list of all published and forthcoming work.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daily Digest of our Delicious Deambulations (number 3)

Today the family went to the Otway Fly Tree Top Walk and we're glad we didn't go, here's why :

First of all, there are some scary creatures called dinosaurs, but as you can see, Matthew was very brave !

Look out Matthew, he's coming behind you !

This one looks very hungry !

Then they walked on this walkway 30 metres (100 feet) above the ground and then climbed on a tower where this photo was taken 45 metres (150 feet) above - that's way too scary for us !

Those ferns are beautiful though :

Look at how big that tree trunk is ! It is a Mountain Ash named “Big Boy”, the giant of the forest, 5 metres (16 feet) in diameter at its base and towering 65 metres (215 feet) in height. Wow !

This is a boomerang tree, does that mean that if you throw it, it comes back ?

The girls had a lot of fun too on the zip fly !

We much prefer the comfort of our sofa !

When they came back, we barked until they took us for a walk at the beach !
We saw some pretty starfish :

Look out, he can pinch with his claws !

Dad took some more "moonscape" pictures :

Then it was time to go home and have a good sleep :

See you tomorrow !


houndstooth said...

You laid on the sofa while all that fun was going on?! That's crazy! I'd have been out there having fun!


Oskar said...

Wow, what an amazing place!

Nubbin wiggles,

♥I am Holly♥ said...

That looks like a very beautiful place to go!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"and a good time was had by ALL!!" love it!

Two French Bulldogs said...

look at those monsters!! Yikes
Benny & iIly

Unknown said...

Tree top walk, boomerang tree and dinosaurs!!! What a fun day all of you have had!!! I love the moonscape pictures too, they are awesome.

George The Lad said...

Great places and lovely set of photos, you wouldn't get me on that tree top walk :0
I'll be back for the next one.
See Yea George xxx

Duke said...

What an exciting day for your family, Bella! We're not sure we'd want dinosaur's after us either!
The starfish is just beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Good thing they didn't take you 2 along to see the dino's cause you 2 would have Taken Care of those mean ole dinos!

Woo woos, Tessa

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