Do you want to hear a (true) funny story ?
One day, there was a sled-training cart with four Siberan Huskies in harness hooked to a gang line that went directlty into the door of a portable toilet in a picnic area.
The huskies spotted a squirrel in a field nearby chewing a nut. They started barking and pulling on the line; they pulled so hard that they toppled the portable toilet which crashed on the ground. By that time, the squirrel was gone and they stopped pulling.
Luckily for the lady who was inside the toilet, a man came over and helped her to get out, but she was covered in blue cleaning fluid and the dogs were licking her to clean her.
So the blue lady took off on her sled pulled by four blue-tongued huskies, I bet the people she crossed in the park must have had a bit of a fright !
This story was told in a great book "Chicken soup for the dog lover's soul" by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hensen. It is full of great true stories about how dogs "add years to humans' lives and life to humans' years" with their courage, healing and unconditional love. My Mum and Dad loved it and they told me some of the great stories, it was very moving and very funny.
And talking about Huskies, my good friend Kira's Mum is not well, please join me in praying for her.
Here's what some of my friends shared about bringing happiness :
Booker Man said :
"Smiles are grrreat thingies and always seem to cheer up the hoomans and even other doggies! me and my big sis asa like to smile and try to make everybuddy feel the warm fuzzies on the inside. we also find that giving our mama and daddy gooey nose kisses does wonders for their mood. oh yeah, and we like to take mama and daddy outside to help them relax after a long day at work cuz being outside is so peaceful like."
Corgi Country sent these lovely photos : Pippin making his Papa smile; Grammy holding Gimli puppy making her smile! Dott playing like a cat making her Dad smile...
Indiana, Shingo and Jack love snuggling with their Mum and Dad; they look so happy it makes me want to have a nap with my Mum - it's one of my favourite occupations !

Thank you my friends for sharing these wonderful moments of happiness with us; if you want to share your moment of happiness, please send me photos and/or text.
Laughter is good for your body and your soul.
"All you need in the world is love and laughter. That's all anybody needs. To have love in one hand and laughter in the other." - August Wilson
What a happy post! Thanks for spreading happiness for us today, Bella!
Wonderful post Bella...your posts always bring a smile to our faces!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Wonderful photo's!
You are just the most adorable clown ever, Bella!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I am always smiling after I visit with you Bella!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi, Bella!
You look adorable!
Nobody is better than us when we talk about making smile our humans, right?
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Bella, lots of lovely happy pics today of humans and canines!
Just the best.
As every you are looking just adorable.
Have a great Sunday.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Awwwwwe that was just a most happy post. It is just amazing what we can do to beautify a hoomans life. Now, although I gets in trubles alot...I still makes my mum happy and her still kisses all overs me...hehehe!
I just adore that pikture of you in da clown makes me happy.
Lots of wonderful happy thoughts that make us all smile! Thanks for sharing!! xoxoxo Chloe and LadyBug
I love the blue-tongued Huskies story, my mom has the Chicken soup for nurse's soul.
You always make people laugh Bella.
May I ask you a favor, please go visit Autumn, my Maltese cybersister, to give her and her mom your kind words of love, encouragement and emotional support, they really need it now, thanks.
Coucou Bella, toujours aussi elegante !
Ton bebe lion est trop mignon....j'espere que tu ne le manges pas, comme ne manquerait pas de faire notre Uyanga !
Bisous !
(et desolee: j'avais oublie que j'avais deja signe ton livre d'or.....sorry, efface le bis !)
Bella, Bella, Bella! I don't know that there's another doggie in the bloggie world that spreads as many smilies as you do!
That was a VERY funny story and I bets that woman still laughs til she's "blue" in the face when she thinks about it!
Wiggles & Wags,
Dear Bella,
You look great and your post has made my day =]
btw, I received your words and support from Autumn's blog. Thank You so much for dropping by and I will update you about Jasmine when she gets better =D
Love you lots,
Autumn & Jasmine's Mom
oh, miss bella,
i love your sleeping lion, and i love your clown outfit, and i love your funny story!! it's also super nice to see how our other doggie friendz make their hoomans happy. :)
the booker man
Grammy's read that book and several others like it. She really likes them. Your blog does a good job of making people smile and we want to thank you for using our pics to help make others smile, too! The Country Corgi Crew
Such good photos!
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