"This special issue seeks to raise awareness of responsible dog ownership and support the dedicated work of organisations re-homing lost and abandoned dogs.
Australia has one of the highest levels of dog ownership worldwide, with an estimated 40 per cent of Australian households having at least one dog. This means that there are around 4 million dogs nationwide. But while Australia enjoys a high level of dog ownership, a high number of dogs are admitted into shelters. During 2008-09, the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) alone recorded 69,383 admissions into its shelters across the country.
Each of the dogs featured in this stamp issue has been given a second chance. All five have spent time in a shelter before being adopted into adoring new families."
Well done Australia Post for telling everyone how wonderful it is to adopt a homeless doggy !
I've put on my nurse's uniform because tomorrow my Mum is having an operation for her varicose veins; she'll only be there for the day, but I figured the humans at the hospital may need my help because I'm the one who knows best how to look after her :

In our next post, we'll announce the winner of our book contest, tell you all about the book and who's in it, and how to get it - how exciting !

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.
Sydney Smith
Nurse Bella, I think you are good for what ails anyone! I hope your mom has a quick recovery!
Those stamps are adorable. Please send our best to your mom. I am sure you will take very good care of her!
Your pal, Pip
What pawsome stamps!!! Wish they woulds have those available here.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your mom! I know she will do well with such an adorable nurse attending to her.
Awesome stamps - thats really cool.
Hope your mommy feel better soon and I know you will take good care of her - love your outfit!
Ahhh what a nice tribute to those doggys. It looks like you are all set to take care of mom. BOL
Benny & Lily
The stamps are GREAT!!!
You look like you are very ready to be nurse for your Mom! I am nurse to my Mom too when here pain is real bad or she has another surgery. We are the only ones to make our Moms get better!
I sure hope that you get your Mom better real soon!
woo woos, Tessa
Heehee! What a cute nurse you make! I bet all the doctors chase you!!!
We know your mom will get the best care possible with you in charge, Bella!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Bella - you make the most adorable nurse! I'm sure no one would mind having any treatment if they saw you standing there! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
We send our best wishes to your mom! I'm sure she'll be better soon with you as her nurse!
Those stamps are cool!
We hope your mom person gets all healed up real quick.
Nubbin wiggles,
The stamps are pawesome, Bella!
I hope everything went well with your mom's surgery!
I know you are going to take good care of her!
Kisses and hugs
The stamps are a super idea! We think you look very cute in your nurse's outfit and wish your mum well with her varicose vien op!
Martha and Bailey xxx
miss bella,
i know you will take the most wonderous care of your mama! would you pass on some extra gooey nose kisses from me 'n asa, too?
oh, and i love those doggie stamps! :)
the booker man
Take really good care of your mommy! I still want to get both of your books. I don't get this pay pal thing though....
Bella, Looks like you have everything under control! Your mom will be feelin' fine with your help!
Hi Bella and Ollie!
Just gave you an award on my blog!
Thanks for that terrific information on those stamps-what a great idea!
And boy do you look adorable in that uniform! Hope your Mom's surgery goes well!
How wonderful for your country to make stamps like those to let people know about pets that need homes. Grammy says she will pray for your Mom for a quick recovery, and we know that you will take very good care of her. We can hardly wait to get one of your books! Grammy ordered one and paid for it through PayPal tonight! The CCC
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