This little bicycle is just right for me; I'll see if Bella can catch up with me, I bet she can't ! A bit more training and I'll have a go at the Tour de France...

Hey Jazzi, do you want to race ?
Did you know it's Jazzi's first blogaversary ? Go and visit her and say hello !

Well Ollie's bicycle is a bit small for me, and the problem is, bicycles aren't that great when you're wearing a dress, I think I'll just stick with the car, I have my own chauffeurs, my Mum and my Dad...

Amelie, you can do your homework later, it's time to visit all our friends' blogs, it's much more important !

Dad is busy working on my book; it's going to be pawsome, do you know there are photos of more than 40 of my friends ? And not just dogs - there is
Daisy the curly cat, do you know her, she has an amazing wardrobe, she's the only fashion loving cat I know !

Hey, look at my cousin, Snoopy, isn't she clever ? If you can you do acrobatic tricks too, send me a photo at !
Take care my friends and have a lovely week-end, I love you !
"Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving." Albert Einstein
OH Bella and Ollie you 2 are dressed so beautifully!
woo woos, Tessa
Wow! You guys need a bicycle built for two! You're both as cute as ever, though!
Wow Ollie!
You can ride a bike with no training wheels!
Good Job!
That is so great!!! Riding a bike!!! You all are just so pawsome!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
You guys can even ride bikes! WOW!!! You really are PAWSOME!! xoxoxo Chloe and says she is going to try to find a pic of us doing acrobat things...
We think you should cycle over here, not go to France!!
And we LOVE Daisy, she is such a BOOTIFUL girl in her little outfits!
Riding a bike seems very hard! I sometimes go on rides in my stroller. That is fun. One day, I wish I could drive a car.
Thanks for the linkie! I like to dress up because I get many delicious treats when I model!
Gosh! Ollie must be a prodigy to be able to ride a bike at such a young age. But I'm with you, Bella. I'd much rather have somebuddy drive me around here and there.
Wiggles & Wags,
omd--bella and ollie you two melt my chi heart~!! :D
Sure I will race ya!!! BOL
Once you learn to ride, you never forget!!
Cant wait to see the new book!!
Ollies bike is just right for him, both of you are so cute
We never tried riding a bicycle before. Is it hard?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Bella & Ollie,
Sorry I haven't been around to visit but Mommy has been so busy with Shelby that she hasn't been able to help me visit blogs.
I alwyas love to see the great outfits you wear and you are both so cute.
Coucou Amelie, tu as beaucoup de devoirs ma pauvre ? alors...
Bon courage !
(tu n'etudies pas le japonais ? En Australie, les etudes de japonais on du succes je sais...)
Gros bisous a Bella et a toute sa famille !
Hi Bella,
Congrats on your 100th post!!
We are happy Ollie is feeling better and can't believe he can already ride a bicycle!
Keep moving Ollie, you're a pawsome pup!
Very cute pics - keep on moving Ollie - that Einstein guy was quite right!
Martha and Bailey xxx
i bet you can win that tour de france if you keep practicin'! :)
the booker man
What a cute little bike, Ollie! You and Bella are so lucky to have such wonderful people to find you these fun things to do! The CCC
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