Hey look at my new toys; Mum found them at the opportunity shop - I love them, aren't they nice ?
Let's play some nice music; now how does this thing work ?
Take it from me, the piano is much easier !

You know, I like having my photo taken so much that if I see Dad go near his camera bag, I prepare myself for a photo session, but I don't let Dad get away with it if he thinks he is going to take a photo of someone else ! This happened yesterday, so I said "Woo woo woo woo woo ! " and here's the result :
Note from Dad : I just noticed that the Translate tool on the side of the blog doesn't include doggie language, so I'll translate for you what Bella said : "Dad, I'm ready, come and take a photo !". Well what could I do, I couldn't resist taking a photo of my beautiful Bella...
We've been given an award :
With this award, comes a few instructions :
1) Thank HeartPrint Pets for sharing it; they "celebrate the creatures that leave their imprints in our hearts", and we think it's such a great idea.
2) Share 7 things about ourselves :
- I am Bella the Westie and I was born on April 14, 2008
- I am Ollie the Papillon and I was born on April 17, 2010
- We believe that we can all make the world a better place by sharing our love and happiness, each of us in our own special way.
- We live in Australia, and we are very happy to have friends from all around the world
- Our blog started in November 2009
- We have a loving family with our Mum and Dad, one hunan brother, two human sisters and a bird.
- We love wearing the outfits that Mum finds for us, and the attention and treats we get too !
3) Pass this award to 15 bloggers who we think are fantastic (it's hard to pick 15 because so many are fantastic)
Do you know these blogs ? If you don't, go and visit them to say hello!
Take care my friends until next time we meet...
Bella and Ollie share the same birthmonth, how cute!
Let's form a band together, we'll play music to the bloggerville!
Congrats on your Award, you well deserve it and thanks for passing it onto me. I'll haul it away in a sec.
Hiya Bella!
Your dress-up pictures are just too adorable!!!
We're big fans :D
Stay in front of the camera dear Bella. You're so photogenic!
Congrats on your award, love the photo of you in your dennim jacket.
See Yea George xxx
You guys can't be any cuter. Look at all those toys! Thank you so much for a wonderful award. Happee day
Benny & Lily
Congrats to your award winners-we will visit those we don't already know-thanks!
Yes, we agree that you are so very photogenic :-)!
Your buddy,
Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it onto us, Bella!
We never knew that you and Ollie were musical genius's!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on your award!
I wish we had your dad nearby to take our photos! I'll bet he'd make us look really beautiful. You're a lucky girl, Bella!
Congratulations on the award!! We love your pictures! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Congratulations on your award! I just love the picture of you at the piano!! We received your lovely post cards today! Thanks so much! My little sister is very excited about the stickers!
Thanks so much!
Your pal, Pip
Okay your pictures are so cute and make us smile miles and miles away! That is funny that your westie loves posing. Ours doesn't want to look at the camera he always looks away unless I am jumping up and down or whistling or basically acting like something is wrong with me. Glad you have so much fun with your puppies, too!
Nobody could resist you guys!!
You is sooo deserving of your wunderful award! Tank you for giving its to me too. :) You is such a good furiend...I luvs you.
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Woof! Woof! Golden Congrats on your award. You are a cutie ... love the photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh Bella, congratulations on your award, and thank you ever so much for thinking of me, too! I think you are a lot like me - I love modeling, also! When I see the camera and an outfit, I come running because I know I will have fun with mom and get treats!
Oh, I just luvs your new toys! But you're right that that squeeze box thing looks really hard to play.
Bella, I just luvs that you luv to gets your picture taken. I think that makes you very special. And I'm glad your dad interpreted for the kittehs and the humans who don't speak dog.
Oh, and congratulations on your awardie! And thank you ever so much for sharing it with me! I think you are Most Wonderful!
Wiggles & Wags,
Thank you so very much for passing this nice award to us Bella and Ollie!!! How cool is that ... you two have musical talents too!!! Congratulations to you guys!!! xoxoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Hi, You both look very musical and yes the toys are great. You look adorable when you dress up and for sure, you CANT let dad get away without taking your picture!! Geezzzz BOL
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