On the way back home, a truck crashed into Mum and Dad's car; they were upset because the driver drove off as quickly as he could and grateful because it could have been much worse. The car doors are wrecked, but Mum (who was in the passenger side) only got a bad bruise. So I put on my nurse's uniform and got all my equipment to look after Mum :

Mum was a nurse when she was in France (she can't practice in australia yet because she needs to do her studies again), so she's taught me how to be a good nurse.
A good cuddle is the best medicine. Mum said "Well done Bella and thank you, you've made me feel so much better".
Now let's look at the car : I'm really glad Mum wasn't hurt more than she was, thank you God for protecting my Mum ! I hope you all have a safe Easter.
Thanks Twinkie for organising Global animal Blogging Event, I've made so many new friends, it's great, I'm really happy for all your comments and to see so many wonderful blogs...
Please send your postal address to westiebella@gmail.com, because there will be a little surprise for every one, so if you're not the lucky one to win the book, you will still have a little something...
Bella, I'm sure anyone would feel better with a nurse as sweet as you! I'm so glad your family wasn't hurt and I hope they catch that fellow that hit them.
Oh Bella, thank dogness that Mummy is OK! We're so glad you were able to don your nurses uniform and take care of her. Tell Mummy we hope she's back to 100% soon!
Your new friends,
Auggie & Riley
The BooDee BooDah Tribe
You make a GREAT nurse! I hope your mommy feels better soon!
Oh no, Bella, we are sorry to hear of your Mum and Dad's accident. Glad that they are not badly hurt. You are such a good nurse, we are sure your Mum is very well taken care of.
A speedy recovery to your Mum.
Sorry to hear about the unfortunate accident! Take good care of your mom! Glad to hear it wasn't worse.
Wow that was a close one Bella..We are also glad that God was watching out for your parents! You are a very good nurse!!
Happy Friday Smileys!
oh we are so sorry to read about the accident! you know, our granddad (who is mommy's dad) always reminds mommy to watch out for the way other drivers drive. Some drivers are so crazy!
We are glad that your mommy and daddy are ok! you take good care of your mommy until her bruises go. We think that you are already doing a good job ;)
wet licks
Bella! Ohmidogness! I am so very much grateful your mommy wasn't hurt too bad. She is SO lucky! You make a Most Adorable nurse and I am sure with all your Most Expert nursing abilities, she will feel all better in no time at all.
Huggies to your momma!
Wiggles & Wags,
miss bella,
it is totally a good thing your mama has you as a nurse! i can see that you are giving her all sorts of super awesome care 'n lovins.
you keep watchin' over your mama and tell her that i am glad that she is okay!!
the booker man
You look so cute with that nurse hat, Bella!
Thank you for looking after Mummy.
Love, Amelie.
YOu make a very cute nurse and quite impressive at that, :-) You keep taking care of your mom, till she completely feels better ok?
OMG, Bella! Thank doG your mom is okay!
You are the cutest little nurse ever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are so thankful that your mom person was not hurt badly. You are a wonderful girl to take such good care of her!
Oh my gosh! We had no idea. We are glad you are there to take care of you Mum Bella. And we think you are the cutest nurse we've ever seen! We hope when we go to the hospital to have the baby there is a nurse there like you!!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
We are so glad that your Mom didn't get hurt very badly because that car doesn't look to good AT ALL! Grammy said that definitely was a PRAISE GOD thing!
It is lucky, too that you know how to be such a good nurse and help your Mom because she will probably be a bit sore for a while. The Corgi Country Crew
Your mom was so lucky to have you around to take care of her!
Your pal, Pip
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